Input and output: 1.) Suppose that we call scanf as follows: float x,y; int i; scanf("%f%d%f", &x, &i, &y); if the user enters 12.3 45.6 789 What will be the values of x,i, and y after the call? 2.) What output do the following calls of printf produce? a.) printf("%6d, %4d", 86, 1040); b.) printf("%12.5lf", 30.253); c.) printf("%2d%5.2lf%d", 300,0.2,1024); Characters Strings and I/O 3: The following function calls supposedly write a single new-line character, but some are incorrect. Identify which calls don't work a.) printf("%c",'\n'); b.) printf("%c", "\n"); c.) printf("%s", '\n'); d.) printf("%s", "\n"); e.) printf('\n'); f.) printf("\n"); g.) putchar('\n'); h.) putchar("\n"); 4: What will be the value of thst string s1 after the following program fragment has been executed? strcpy(s1, "computer"); strcpy(s2, "science"); if (strcmp(s1,s2)<0) strcat(s1,s2); else strcat(s2,s1); s1[strlen(s1)-6] = '\0'; 5: Write a function that takes a string ret, and an int size and reads data into that string until it is full, or the user enters a new line. Skip white space void skip_whitespace(char * ret,int size){ } 6: Write a function that reads in a given number of characters, then prints our the result. If the char is an upper or lower case character, switch the case. If the char is a digit print that number of $ characters. void switch_case(int length){ } Command Line arguments /String manipulation: 7: Given a string of ingredients in the form "applesauce,butter,clementines", i.e. strings separated by commas, write a function nth_ingredient, which takes a string of this form, and a number n, and returns the nth element in that list. (Hint: use strtok). If n is larger than the number of elements in the list return null. char * nth_ingredient(char * list, int n){ } 8: Write the following function: bool test_extension (const char *file_name, const char *extension); file_name points to a string containing a file name. The function should return true if the file's extension matches the string pointed to by extension, ignoring the case of letters. For example, the call test_extension("memo.txt", "TXT") would return true. (Hint: Use the toupper function, and strtok) bool test_extension (const char *file_name, const char *extension){ } Input Output: 9: Write the following function: int line_length(const char *filename, int n); The function should return the length of the line n in the text file whose name is filename. If the line doesn't exist return 0; int line_length(const char *filename, int n){ } Combined review 10:Given a stack with the following definition #define MAX_STACK_SIZE 50 /* Size of all stack arrays */ typedef struct { int topPosition; char * stackArray[MAX_STACK_SIZE]; } stringStack; and standard functions, write a function which takes a string similar to the type in problem 2, and stores it in the stack. Then, write a function that takes a stack, and writes its output to a file via popping